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Scanned document(s) available on hard drive stored at Strong Museum of Play in Rochester
Joshua D. Savage
Joshua D. Savage via Adrienne Shaw
Hard drive with digital files available at the Strong Museum of Play in Rochester
New York
USA for review purposes only
Digital File
10 yard fight, 1942, 1943, 3D Battles of the Worldrunner, 6 in 1 (Caltron), 6 in 1 (Myriad), 720, 8 Eyes, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Abadox, Action 52, Addams Family, addams family, the pugsley's scavenger hunt, advanced dungeons & dragons dragon strike, advanced dungeons & dragons heroes of the lance, advanced dungeons & dragons hillsfar, advanced dungeons & dragons pool of radiance, Adventure Island, Adventure Island II, Adventure Island III, Adventures of Bayou Billy, Adventures of Dino Riki, Adventures of Gilligan's Island, Adventures of Lolo, Adventures of Lolo 2, Adventures of Lolo 3, Adventures of Rad Gravity, Adventures of Rocky And Bullwinkle And Friends, Adventures of Tom Sawyer, After Burner, Air Fortress, Airwolf, Al Unser Jr. Turbo Racing, Alex DeMeo's Race America, Alfred Chicken, Alien 3, Alien Syndrome, all pro basketball, Alpha Mission, Amagon, American Gladiators, Anticipation, Arch Rivals, Archon, Arkanoid, Arkista's Ring, Astyanax, Athena, Athletic World v1, Athletic World v2, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, Baby Boomer, Back to the Future, Back to the Future II & III, Bad Dudes, Bad News Baseball, Bad Street Brawler, Balloon Fight, Bandai Golf, Bandit Kings of Ancient China, Barbie, Bard's Tale, Barker Bill's Trick Shooting, Base Wars, baseball, Baseball Simulator 1000, Baseball Stars, Baseball Stars II, Bases Loaded, Bases Loaded 2, Bases Loaded 3, Bases Loaded 4, Batman, batman return of the joker, batman returns, Battle Chess, Battle of Olympus, Battle Tank, Battleship, Battletoads, Battletoads & Double Dragon, Bee 52, Beetlejuice, Best of the Best Championship Karate, bible adventures, Bible Buffet, Big Nose, Big Nose Freaks Out, Bigfoot, Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure, Bill Elliot's NASCAR Challenge, Bionic Commando, Black Bass, blackjack, Blades of Steel, Blaster Master, Blue Marlin, Blue Shadow, Blues Brothers, Bo Jackson Baseball, Bomberman, Bomberman II, bonk's adventure, Boulder Dash, bram stoker's dracula, Break Time, The National Pool Tour, Breakthru, Bubble Bath Babes, Bubble Bobble, Bubble Bobble Part 2, Bucky O'Hare, Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout, Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, Bump 'n' Jump, Burai Fighter, burgertime, Cabal, Caesar's Palace, california games, captain america and the avengers, captain comic the adventure, captain planet and the planeteers, Captain Skyhawk, Casino Kid, Casino Kid II, Castelian, Castle of Deceit, Castle of Dragon, Castlequest, Castlevania, Castlevania II Simon's Quest, Castlevania III Dracula's Curse, Caveman Games, Challenge of the Dragon (missing pages), Championship Bowling, championship pool, Chessmaster, Chiller, Chubby Cherub, Circus Caper, City Connection, Clash At Demonhead, Classic Concentration, Cliffhanger, Clu Clu Land, Cobra Command, Cobra Triangle, Codename Viper, Color a Dinosaur, commando, conan the mysteries of time, Conflict, Conquest of the Crystal Palace, Contra, Contra Force, Control Deck (1986), Control Deck (1990), Cool World, Cowboy Kid, crash 'n' the boys street challenge, Crystal Mines, Crystalis, Cyberball, Cybernoid, Dance Aerobics, Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat, Darkman, Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum, Day Dreamin' Davey, Days of Thunder, Deadly Towers, Death Race, Deathbots, Defender II, Defender of the Crown, Defenders of Dynatron City, Deja Vu, Demon sword, desert commander, Destination Earthstar, Destiny of an Emperor, Dick Tracy, Die Hard, dig dug ii trouble in paradise, digger t rock the legend of the lost city, Dirty Harry, Disney Adventures in the Magic Kingdom, Disney Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers, Disney Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2, Disney Darkwing Duck, Disney Duck Tales, Disney Little Mermaid, Dizzy the Adventurer, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong 3, Donkey Kong Classics, donkey kong jr, Donkey Kong Jr Math, Double Dare, Double Dragon, Double Dragon II, Double Dragon III, Double Dribble, Double Strike, Dr Chaos, Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde, Dr. Mario, Dragon Fighter, Dragon Power, dragon spirit the new legend, Dragon Warrior, dragon warrior ii unveiled secrets, Dragon Warrior III, Dragon Warrior IV, dragon warrior iv hint book, dragon's lair, Duck Hunt, Dudes with Attitude, dungeon magic sword of the elements, dusty diamond's all star softball, Dynowarz Destruction of Spondylus, elevator action, Eliminator Boat Duel, Excitebike, f 117a stealth fighter, f 15 city war, f 15 strike eagle, family feud, Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy v1, Fantasy Zone, Faria A World of Mystery & Danger, faxanadu, Felix the Cat, Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge, Fester's Quest, Final Fantasy, Fire 'n Ice, Fire Hawk, fisher price firehouse rescue, fisher price i can remember, fisher price perfect fit, Fist of the North Star, Flight of the Intruder, flintstones, the rescue of dino & hoppy, flintstones, the the surprise at dinosaur peak, flying dragon the secret scroll, Flying Warriors, formula one built to win, frankenstein the monster returns, Freedom Force, Friday The 13th, Fun House, Galactic Crusader, galaga demons of death, Galaxy 5000, game genie (instructions only), gargoyle's quest ii the demon darkness, Gauntlet, Gauntlet II, Gemfire, Genghis Khan, George Foreman's KO Boxing, Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters II, Ghosts n Goblins, Ghoul School, gi joe a real american hero, gi joe the atlantis factor, Goal, Goal 2, godzilla monster of monsters, godzilla 2 war of the monsters, Gold Medal Challenge '92, golf, Golf Grand Slam, Golgo 13 Top Secret Episode, Goonies II, gotcha the sport, Gradius, Great Waldo Search, Greg Norman's Golf Power, Gremlins 2, Guardian Legend, Guerrilla War, Gumshoe, Gun Nac, Gun Smoke, Gyromite, gyruss, Harlem Globetrotters, Hatris, Heavy Barrel, Heavy Shreddin', High Speed, Hogan's Alley, Hollywood Squares, Home Alone, home alone 2 lost in new york, Hook, Hoops, Hot Slots, Hudson Hawk, Hunt for Red October, Hylide, Ice Climber, ice hockey, ikari warriors, Ikari Warriors 2 Victory Road, ikari warriors iii the rescue, Image Fight, Immortal, Impossible Mission II v1, Impossible Mission II v2, Incredible Crash Dummies, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade v1, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade v2, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (mindscape), Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (tengen), Infiltrator, iron tank the invasion of normandy, Isolated Warrior, ivan 'iron man' stewart's super off road, Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship Golf, Jackal, Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu, James Bond Jr, Jaws, Jeopardy, jeopardy 25th anniversary edition, Jeopardy Jr Edition, jetsons, the cogswell's caper, Jimmy Connors Tennis, Joe & Mac, John Elway's Quarterback, jordan vs bird one on one, Joshua & The Battle of Jericho, Journey to Silius, joust, Jungle Book, jurassic park, kabuki quantum fighter, Karate Champ, Karate Kid, Karnov, Kickle Cubicle, Kickmaster, Kid Icarus, Kid Klown in Night Mayor World, Kid Kool and the Quest for the Seven Wonder Herbs, kid niki radical ninja, King Neptune's Adventure, King of Kings, The Early Years, King's Knight, King's Quest V, kings of the beach professional beach volleyball, Kirby's Adventure, kiwi kraze, a bird brained adventure, Klash Ball, Klax (tengen), Knight Rider, Krazy Kreatures, Krion Conquest, Kung Fu, kung fu heroes, L'Empereur, Laser Invasion, Last Action Hero, last ninja, Last Starfighter, Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf, Legacy of the Wizard, Legend of Kage, Legend of the Ghost Lion, Legend of Zelda, Legendary Wings, Legends of the Diamond, The Baseball Championship Game, Lemmings, Lethal Weapon, Life Force, Linus Spacehead's Cosmic Crusade, little league baseball championship, Little Nemo The Dream Master, Little Ninja Brothers, Little Samson, Lode Runner, Lone Ranger, Loopz, Low G Man, Lunar Pool, Mach Rider, Mad Max, Mafat Conspiracy, Magic Darts, Magic Johnson's Fast Break, Magic of Scheherazade, Magician, MagMax, Major League Baseball, Maniac Mansion, mappy land, Marble Madness, mario bros, Mario Is Missing, Mario's Time Machine, Master Chu & the Drunkard Hu, Maxi 15, MC Kids, Mechanized Attack, Mega Man, Mega Man 2, Mega Man 3, Mega Man 4, Mega Man 5, Mega Man 6, Menace Beach, Mendel Palace, Mermaids of Atlantis, Metal Fighter, Metal Gear, metal mech man & machine, Metal Storm, Metroid v1, Metroid v2, Michael Andretti's World GP, Mickey Mousecapade, Mickey's Adventure in Numberland, Mickey's Safari in Letterland, Micro Machines v1, Micro Machines v2, Mig 29, Might & Magic, Mighty Bombjack, Mighty Final Fight, Mike Tyson's Punch Out, millipede, Milon's Secret Castle, Miracle Piano Teaching System, Mission Cobra, Mission Impossible, Monopoly, Monster in my Pocket, Monster Party, Monster Truck Rally, Moon Ranger, Motor City Patrol, ms pac man (tengen), ms. pac man (namco), MTV Remote Control, mule, muppet adventure chaos at the carnival, muscle tag team match, Mutant Virus, Mystery Quest, NARC, nes advantage, nes cleaning kit, nes max, nes open tournament golf, NES Play Action Football, NFL Football, Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing, nightshade, Ninja Crusaders, ninja gaiden, Ninja Gaiden II, Ninja Gaiden III, Ninja Kid, nintendo (now you're playing with power, 1990), nintendo power (play faster), nintendo power (play seriously), nintendo power (plug into the power), Nintendo World Cup, Nobunaga's Ambition, Nobunaga's Ambition II, North & South, Operation Secret Storm, Operation Wolf, orb 3 d, Othello, Overlord, P'radikus Conflict, pac man (namco), pac man (tangen), pac mania, Palamedes, Panic Restaurant, Paperboy, Paperboy 2, Peek A Boo Poker, Pesterminator, Peter Pan & The Pirates, Phantom Fighter, Pictionary, Pin Bot, pinball, Pinball Quest, Pipe Dream, pirates, platoon, popeye, POW, Power Blade, Power Blade 2, power glove, Power Punch II, Predator, Prince of Persia, Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom, Pro Sport Hockey, Pro Wrestling, punch out, Punisher, Puss 'n Boots Pero's Great Adventure, Puzzle, Puzznic, Pyramid, Qbert, qix, Quattro Adventure v1, Quattro Adventure v2, Quattro Arcade, Quattro Sports v1, Quattro Sports v2, RacerMate Challenge II, Racket Attack, Rad Racer, Rad Racer II, rad racket deluxe tennis ii, Raid 2020, Raid on Bungeling Bay, Rainbow Islands, Rally Bike, Rambo, Rampage, rampart, RBI Baseball, RBI Baseball 2, RBI Baseball 3, rc pro am, rc pro am ii, ren & stimpy show, the buckeroos, Renegade, Rescue The Embassy Mission, Ring King, River City ransom, Road Runner, RoadBlasters, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves, RoboCop 2, RoboCop 3, Robodemons, RoboWarrior, Rock 'n Ball, Rocket Ranger, Rocketeer, Rockin' Kats, Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball, Rollerball, Rollerblade Racer, Rolling Thunder, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Romance of the Three Kingdoms II, roundball 2 on 2 challenge, Rush'N Attack, Rygar, SCAT, Secret Scout, Section Z, Seicross, sesame street 123, sesame street abc, sesame street abc 123, sesame street big bird's hide & speak, sesame street countdown, Shadow of the Ninja, Shadowgate, sharp nes tv, Shatterhand, Shingen the Ruler, Shinobi, shockwave, Shooting Range, short order eggsplode, Side Pocket, Silent Assault, Silent Service, Silkworm, Silver Surfer, simpsons bart vs the space mutants, simpsons bart vs. the world, simpsons bartman meets radioactive man, simpsons krusty's fun house, Skate Or Die, Skate Or Die 2, Ski Or Die, Skull & Crossbones, Sky Shark, SkyKid, Slalom, Smash TV, Snake Rattle 'n Roll, Snake's Revenge, Snoopy's Silly Sports Spectacular, Snow Brothers, soccer, solar jetman hunt for the golden warship, solitaire, Solomon's Key, solstice the quest for the staff of demnos, Space Shuttle Project, Spelunker, spider man return of the sinister six, Spiritual Warfare, spot the videogame, spy hunter, Spy vs spy, Sqoon, stack up, Stadium Events, stanley the search for dr livingston, Star Force, Star Soldier, star trek 25th anniversary, star trek the next generation, Star Tropics, star tropics ii zoda's revenge, star voyager, Star wars, star wars the empire strikes back, Starship Hector, Stealth ATF, Stinger, Street Cop, street fighter 2010 the final fight, Strider, Stunt Kids, Sunday Funday, Super C, Super Cars, Super Dodge Ball, Super Glove Ball, Super Jeopardy, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 2, Super Mario Bros 3, super mario bros duck hunt, super mario bros duck hunt world class track meet, Super Pitfall, Super Spike V'Ball, super spike v'ball nintendo world cup, Super Sprint, Super Spy Hunter, Super Team Games, superman, Swamp Thing, Sword master, swords and serpents, t&c ii thrilla's surfari, T&C Surf Designs, t2 terminator 2 judgment day, taboo the sixth sense, Tag Team Wrestling, Tagin' Dragon, Talespin, Target Renegade, Tecmo Baseball, Tecmo Bowl, tecmo cup soccer game, Tecmo NBA Basketball, Tecmo Super Bowl, Tecmo World Wrestling, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, teenage mutant ninja turtles tournament fighters, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II The Arcade Game, teenage mutant ninja turtles iii the manhattan project, tennis, Terminator, Terra Cresta, Tetris (Nintendo), Tetris (Tengen), Tetris 2, Three Stooges, Thunder and Lightning, ThunderBirds, Thundercade, Tiger Heli, Tiles of Fate, Time Lord, Times of Lore, Tiny Toon Adventures, tiny toon adventures 2 trouble in wackyland, Tiny Toon Adventures Cartoon Workshop, To The Earth, toki, Tom & Jerry, Tombs & Treasure, Toobin', Top Gun, top gun the second mission, Top Players' Tennis, Chris Evert & Ivan Lendl, Total Recall, Totally Rad, Touchdown Fever, Toxic Crusaders, Track & Field, Track & Field II, Treasure Master, Trog, Trojan, Trolls on Treasure Island, twin cobra, Twin Eagle, ultima exodus, ultima quest of the avatar, ultima warriors of destiny, Ultimate Air Combat, Ultimate Basketball, Ultimate League Soccer, Ultimate Stuntman, uncanny x men, Uncharted Waters, Uninvited, Untouchables v1, Untouchables v2, Urban Champion, Vegas Dream, Venice Beach Volleyball, vice project doom, Videomation, Vindicators, Volleyball, Wacky Races, Wall Street Kid, Wally Bear and the No Gang, Wario's Woods, Wayne Gretzky Hockey v1, Wayne Gretzky Hockey v2, Wayne's World, wcw world championship wrestling, werewolf the last warrior, Wheel of Fortune, wheel of fortune family edition, wheel of fortune junior edition, Wheel of Fortune Featuring Vanna White, Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego, Where's Waldo, Who Framed Rodger Rabbit, Whomp 'Em, Widget, Wild Gunman, Willow, Win, Lose or Draw, winter games, wizardry master ii knight of diamonds, wizardry master the proving grounds of the mad overlord, Wizards & Warriors, wizards & warriors ii ironsword, Wizards & Warriors III, Wolverine, World Champ, World Class Track Meet (Power Pad), world games, Wrath Of The Black Manta, Wrecking Crew, wurm journey to the center of the earth, wwf king of the ring, WWF WrestleMania, wwf wrestlemania steel cage challenge, WWF Wrestlemania Challenge, Xenophobe, xevious, Xexyz, Yo Noid, Yoshi, Yoshi's Cookie, Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, Zanac, zapper (1988), Zapper (1989), zelda ii the adventure of link, Zen Intergalactic Ninja, Zombie Nation
“NES,” LGBTQ_GA, accessed March 10, 2025,