Browse Items (1469 total)
Tags: 3stooges, 3stooges board, 3stooges card, 4th inches, 4x4, 7 cities of gold card, accolades comics, ace aces, aliens, alt reality city, alt reality city guidebook, alt reality dungeon, alt reality dungeon handbook, Archon, archon command summary, archon reference card, archon2 command summary, autoduel, autoduel card, autoduel pamphlet, baltic 1985, baltic 1985 schedule, baltic 1985 terrain key, beyond castle wolf, boulder dash const, breakdance, bruce lee, california games, card sharks, chessmaster2000, chessmaster2000 guide, chessmaster2000 instructions, commando, crimepunishment, curseazure adjournal, curseazure rulebook, dallas quest, deathlord, deathlord guide, deceptor, desert fox, entombed, eureka, express raider, f18 hornet, fight night, fourth protocol, fourth protocol handbook, geebee air rally, gemstone warrior, germany 1985, germany 1985 key chart, germany 1985 scenarios, germany 1985 schedule, grand prix circuit, hacker hints, heart of africa, heart of africa command summary, heart of africa map, heroeslance, howard duck, ikari warriors, impossible mission, impossible mission 2, john madden football, john madden football card, jumpman, Karate Champ, karateka v1, Karnov, Kid Niki, knight games, koronis rift, kung fu master, lancelot, lancelot contest, lancelot map, last ninja, law west, lords midnight, lunar outpost, mars saga, mars saga reference, mini putt, montezuma, movie monster, mule, mule command summary, murder mississippi, neuromancer, neuromancer refcard, nightshade, ocean ranger, on field football, pawn, pawn guide, phantasie, pirates, pirates captains broadsheet, pirates map, pitstop2, platoon, pool radiance, pool radiance card, pool radiance journal, power, president missing, quest, racingdestruct, rad warrior, rdf 1985, rdf 1985 key, rdf 1985 schedule, red storm rising, red storm rising overlays, red storm rising supplement, risk, sabre wulf, seven cities, sherlock, sherlock timetables, sigma7, sinbad throne falcon, sinbad throne falcon card, skyfox, speed buggy, Spy vs spy, spy vs spy 2, spy vs spy 3, staffofkarnath, starcross, starcross chart, street sports basketball, summer games, summer games 2, suspended, Tag Team Wrestling, telengard, temple apshai, temple apshai summary, Test Drive, test drive 2, the games winter, the train, tnk 3, top fuel eliminator, ultima3, ultima3 ancient liturgy truth, ultima3 book amber runes, ultima3 card, ultima3 map, ultima4, ultima4 card, ultima4 history britannia, ultima4 map, underwurlde, victory road, war middle earth, wargame construction set, wargame construction set addendum, wasteland, wasteland guide, wasteland paragraphs, wc leader board, wc leader board v1, wc leader board v2, whistlers brother, winter games, wizardry, wizardry card, wizardry maps, world games, worlds greatest baseball, zakmckracken, zakmckracken national inquisitor, zakmckracken security system, zork, zork2, zork3
Atari Plug
Atari 7800
Tags: 32 in 1, ace of aces, alien brigade, asteroids, ballblazer, barnyard blaster, basketbrawl, centipede, choplifter, commando, cracked, crossbow, dark chambers, desert falcon, Dig Dug, Donkey Kong, donkey kong junior, Double Dragon, f 18 hornet, fatal run, fight night, food fight, Galaga, hat trick, highscore cartridge, ikari warriors, impossible mission, jinks, joust, karateka, klax, kung fu master, mario bros, mat mania challenge, mean 18, meltdown, midnight mutants, motor psycho, Ms Pac Man, ninja golf, one on one basketball, pete rose baseball, planet smashers, pole position 2, Rampage, realsports baseball, robotron 2084, scrapyard dog, sentinel, Space Invaders, summer games, super huey, super pac man, super skateboardin', tank command, title match pro wrestling, tomcat, touchdown football, tower toppler, water ski, winter games, Xenophobe, xevious
Atari 5200
Tags: ballblazer, beamrider, berzerk, blueprint, bounty bob strikes back, bristles, buck rogers, castle blast, centipede, choplifter, combat 2 advanced, command control, congo bongo, countermeasure, decathlon, defender, Dig Dug, dreadnaught factor, Frogger, frogger 2, galaxian, gorf, gremlins, gyruss, h.e.r.o, haunted house 2, james bond 007, joust, jungle hunt, k razy shoot out, kaboom, kangaroo, keystone kapers, klax, mario bros, meebzork, megamania, meteorites, miner 2049er, missile command, montezuma, moon patrol, mountain king, mr dos castle, Ms Pac Man, Pac Man, pengo, pitfall, pitfall 2, Pole Position, popeye, q bert, qix, quest for quintana roo, realsports baseball, realsports football, realsports soccer, realsports tennis, rescue on fractalus, return of the jedi, river raid, robotron 2084, rs football playbook, space dungeon, Space Invaders, space shuttle, star raiders, star trek, Star wars, super breakout, super cobra, vanguard, wizard of wor, Zaxxon, zenji, zone ranger
Atari 400
Tags: ace aces, agent usa, air strike 2, alien egg, alt reality city, alt reality city guidebook, alt reality dungeon, alt reality dungeon handbook, andromeda, arcade machine, Archon, archon reference card, archon xe, astro chase, atari basic guide, atari tennis, atariartist, atariwriter, bandits, barnyard blaster, basketball, battlezone, bc, beyond castle wolf, boulder dash const, bruce lee, bug hunt, bumper pool, captain beeble, captain stickys gold, castle hassle, castle wolf v1, castle wolf v2, caverns mars, centipede, cheat, chessmaster2000, chessmaster2000 guide, chessmaster2000 instructions, choplifter, combat chess, computer war, conflict 2500, congo bongo, crossbow, crystal castles, cygnus xi, dandy, dark chambers, davidsmagic, defender, deluxe invaders, desert falcon, Dig Dug, dnieper river line, doctor goodcode, Donkey Kong, donkey kong jr, drol, eagles nest, eastern front apx, eastern front atari, embargo, empire over mind, et phone home, euro countries, f15 strike eagle, f15 strike eagle int, facts five, final legacy, firebird, free trader, Frogger, galaxian, gato, gauntletak, genetic drift, getaway, goldmine, gorf, guns fort defiance, hacker hints, halley project card, hardball, heart break, impersonator, introduction to dos3, journey planets, joust, juggles rainbow, jumpman, jungle hunt, kaboom, kampfgruppe, karateka, kayos, koronis rift, labyrinth, lone raider, mario bros, master lamps, match racer, megalegs, memory manor, microfiler, millipede, missile command, monkey wrench 2, montezuma, moon patrol, mr dos castle, ms pacman, mule, necromancer, Pac Man, pastfinder, Pathfinder, pengo, pitfall2, planet miners, plastron, pogoman, Pole Position, popeye, powerstar, Qbert, qix, quest space beagle, racingdestruct, rackem up, river raid, robotron, sam, scanalyzer, seafox, seven cities, seven cities card, shamus, sky writer, sleazy adventure, slingshot, space shuttle, space station zulu, spare change, spitfire 40, spy hunter, Spy vs spy, spy vs spy 2, spy vs spy 3, squish em, star maze, star raiders, star raiders 2, star trek, star wars arcade, star wars jedi, states capitals, stealth, stellar shuttle, stocks bonds, summer games, super cobra, super zaxxon, tac, tanktics, telengard, temple apshai, temple apshai summary, tennis, the educator, tiger attack, track field, twilight world, typo attack, ultima 1, ultima 3, ultima 4, vegas poker, vorrak, voyager 1, wargame construction set, whistlers brother, wizard of wor, wizards gold, Zaxxon, zone ranger, zork
Atari 2600
Tags: 32in1, 3dtictactoe, 3dtictactoe sears, acid drop, actionauts orig, actionauts repro, adv tron, adventure, air raiders, air sea battle, airlock, alien, alpha beam, amidar, arcade golf, armor ambush, artillery duel, asterix, asteroid fire, asteroids, asteroids sears, astroblast, astroblast telegames, atlantis contest, atlantis day, atlantis night, bachelor, bachelorette, backgammon, backgammon sears, bank heist, barnstorming, base attack, baseball sears, basic math, basic programming, basketball, basketball sears, battlezone, beamrider, beany bopper, beatem, berenstain, bermuda, berzerk, berzerk sears, berzerk ve, bigbird, blackjack, blackjack sears, blueprint, bmx airmaster, bobby, bogey blaster, boing, bowling, boxing, brain games, breakaway sears, breakout, bridge, buck rogers, bugs, bugs bunny, bumper bash, bumpjump, burgertime, burning desire, cakewalk, cakewalk draft, cannon man, canyon bomber, canyon bomber sears, capture, carnival, casino, cathouse blues, cave in.doc, centipede, challenge, chase, checkers, china syndrome, chopper command, chuck norris superkicks, chuckwagon, circus, coconuts, codebreaker, color bar generator, combat, combat two, commando, commando raid, commie mutants, compumate, concentration, condor attack, confrontation, congo bongo, cookie monster, cosmic ark, cosmic commuter, cosmic corridor, cosmic creeps, cosmic swarm, cpk adventures park, cracked, crackpots, crash dive, crazy climber, crazy valet, cross force, crossbow, cryptschaos, crystal castles, cubicolor, custers revenge, cuttle cart, dancing plates, dare diver, dark cavern, dark chambers, deadly duck, death trap, decathlon, defender, defender 2, defender sears, demolition herby, demon attack, demons diamonds, desert falcon, dice puzzle, Dig Dug, dishaster, dodge em, dodger cars, dolphin, Donkey Kong, donkey kong atari, donkey kong jr, donkey kong jr atari, Double Dragon, double dunk, dragon treasure, dragonfire, dragonstomper, dragster, earth dies screaming, edtris 2600, eggomania, elevator action, encounter l5, enduro, entity draft, entity homebrew, entombed, escape mindmaster, espial, et, et tips, exocet, fantastic voyage, fast eddie, fast food, fatal run, fathom, final approach, fire fighter, fire fly, fireball, fishing derby, flag capture, flash gordon, football, football sears, forest, frankensteins monster, freeway, Frogger, frogger 2, frogger starpath, frogs flies, front line, frostbite, fun with numbers, galaxian, gamma attack, gangster alley, gas hog, Gauntlet, ghost manor, Ghostbusters, ghostbusters 2, GI Joe, gigolo, glacier patrol, glib, golf, golf sears, gopher, gorf, grand prix, gravitar, gremlins, guardian, gunslinger, gyruss, halloween, halloween orig, hangman, haunted house, haunted house draft, haunted house sears, he man, hero, hero guide, holey moley, home run, human cannonball, hunt score, i want my mommy, ice hockey, ikari warriors, indy 500, infiltrate, international soccer, international soccer telegames, inv, james bond 007, jawbreaker, journey, joust, jr pac man, jungle fever, jungle hunt, kabobber homebrew, kaboom, kangaroo, karate, keystone kapers, killer satellites, king kong, klax, knight town, kool aid man, krull, kung fu master, kung fu superkicks, lady wading, laser blast, laser gates, lasercade, lochjaw, lockn chase, london blitz, lord rings fellowship, lost luggage, mad, magicard, malagai, mangia, marauder, marble craze, marine wars, mario bros, mash, master builder, maze, maze craze, maze mania, mean santa, mega force, megamania, meltdown draft, memory match, mental kombat, merlins walls, midnight magic, millipede, miner 2049er, miner2049er vol2, mines of minos, miniature golf, missile command, missile command sears, missile control, mission 3000ad, mogul maniac, montezuma, moon patrol, moonsweeper, motocross racer, motorodeo, mountain king, Mouse Trap, mouse trap atari, mr do, mr dos castle, mr postman, Ms Pac Man, music machine, my golf, name game, nexar, night driver, night driver sears, no escape, obelix, ocean city defender, off the wall, oink, okie dokie, omega race, open sesame, oscars trash race, Othello, othello sears, out of control, outer space, outlaw, Pac Man, pac man sears, party mix, peles championship soccer, pengo, pete rose baseball, phantom tank, phaser patrol, philly flasher, phoenix, pick n pile, pick up, picnic, piece o cake, pigs in space, pitfall, pitfall2, pitfall2 diary, planet patrol, plaque attack, poker plus, polaris, Pole Position, polo draft, polo homebrew, pong sports, pooyan, popeye, porkys, pressure cooker, pressure gauge, private eye, Qbert, qbert atari, qberts qubes, quadrun, quick step, quintana roo, quintana roo telegames, rabbit transit, race, radar lock, raft rider, ram it, Rampage, raquetball, reactor, rescue terra 1, revenge apes, revenge beefsteak tomatoes, riddle sphinx, riddle sphinx hint, river patrol, river raid, river raid2, Road Runner, robin hood, robot tank, rocn rope, room of doom, rotla, rotla hints, rotla solution, rs baseball, rs basketball, rs boxing, rs football, rs soccer, rs tennis, rs volleyball, rubiks cube, rush hour, save the whales draft, save the whales homebrew, save the whales revdraft, sc baseball, sc baseball telegames, sc football, sc football telegames, scsicide, sea hunt, sea monster, seahawk, seaquest, secret agent, secret quest, sentinel, shark attack, shootin gallery, shuttle orbiter, silhouette, sir lancelot, skateboardin, skeet shoot, skiing, sky diver, sky jinks, sky skipper, slot machine, slot racers, slots, smurf, smurfs save day, snail against squirrel, sneak peek, snoopy, snow white, solar fox, solar storm, solaris, songmate, sorcerer, sorcerers apprentice, soundx, space attack, space cavern, space combat, Space Invaders, space invaders sears, space jockey, space shuttle, space treat, space tunnel, space war, spacechase, spacemaster x7, speedway2, spelling, spider fighter, spider man, spider monster, spiderdroid, spikes peak, spitfire attack, springer, sprint master, spy hunter, sq earth, sq fire, sq water, sq waterworld hints, squeeze box, sssnake, stampede, star fox, star raiders, star raiders sears, star ship, star strike, star trek, star voyager, star wars arcade, star wars dsb, star wars empire, star wars ewok, star wars jedi, stargate, stargunner, starmaster, starmaster sup, steeplechase, steeplechase vg, stell a sketch, stell a sketch okie dokie, stelladaptor, stellar track, strategy x, strawberry shortcake, street racer, stronghold, stronghold draft, stunt man, sub scan, submarine commander, subterranea, summer games, super action pak, super baseball, super breakout, super cobra, super football, superman, surfer, surround, survival island, survival run, sword saros, synthcart, tac scan, tank plus, tanks but no tanks, tape worm, tapper, target fun, task force, tax avoiders, taz, telegames v1, tennis, texas chainsaw, texas chainsaw orig, threshold, thrust, thunderground, time pilot, time warp, title match, tomarc, tomcat, tooth protectors, towering inferno, track field, trak ball cx22, treasure below, trick shot, tron deadly discs, tunnel runner, turmoil, tutankham, universal chaos, upn down, vanguard, vault assault, venetian blinds, venture, venture atari, venture2, video checkers, video checkers sears, video chess, video life, video olympics, video pinball, wabbit, wall ball, wall break, warlords, warlords sears, warplock, warring worms, wing war, winter games, wizard wor, wolfenstein, word zapper, worm war 1, Xenophobe, xman, yars revenge, yars revenge sears, Zaxxon, ztack
Atari (publisher)
Tags: Atari
Arcadia 2001
Tags: alien invader, alien invaders, american football, astro invader, baseball, basketball, blackjack, bowling, boxing, breakaway, capture, cat trax, combat, devilman, escape, funky fish, math, missile war, nibblemen, parashooter, r2d tank, space attack, space mission, spiders, super bug, tanks a lot, the end
Tags: accolades comics, alt reality dungeon, alt reality dungeon handbook, beyond castle wolf, boulder dash const, howard duck, ikari warriors, impossible mission 2, Karate Champ, karateka v1, kung fu master, law west, master lamps, might magic, murder mississippi, rad warrior, Spy vs spy, spy vs spy 3, street sports basketball, the games winter, top fuel eliminator