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  • Tags: headdress

Peruvian Kaxinawá black trumpeter headdress

A headdress consisting of a wooden circle, black string, and feathers.

Notes on accession card:
"Pei Mati (Feather hat)- Crown of wod [sic] with twine (brown) binding feathers to wood. Layers blend together but is broken into two separate layers.…

Peruvian Kaxinawá porcupine quill headdress

A headdress consisting of a narrow wooden circle with black string around it, one red feather, a short black feather, and porcupine quills featuring dangling multicolored feathers.

Notes on accession card:
"Isa Dani Maiti Hinaya
Tail feather is…

Peruvian Kaxinawá chief's feather headdress

This headdress consists of a double wooden circle with thick white string and blue/white woven material. Four multicolored macaw feathers stand tall as do four sticks with white harpy eagle feathers. Also white, fluffy, and multicolored feathers…