[Letter: date unknown]
[Letter: date unknown]
Husband and wife
Married women
African American families
Geographic Subject
Chester Heights (Pa.)
Wiley, Edward A. [recipient]
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Digital Collection
William Still Collection
Blockson manuscripts
William Still Collection
Digital Publisher
Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Libraries
Document Content
My Dear Edward,/ Your letter came/ duly to hand and found us as/ well as usual. I am sorry/ that your cough or cold hangs/ on so long I hope you will be/ well of it if when you come. Have/ you done as I told you, taken a good dose of [?] [?]; if not/ please do so immediately for I/ want to see you come home look-/ ing the better for wear. Baby is/ crawling over the yard I cant [sic] do any/ better for him than just let him/ take the bricks for he dont [sic] want/ to stay in your arms or in the/ coach or anywhere that he ought/ to. The Sabbath school had its pic-/nic yesterday. Ma, {R [CROSSED OUT]}, baby and I/ went out in the two O’clock/ train. The ride was about an/ hour and a half long to a place/ called Chester Heights. It is a very/ pleasant place to go and the/ printed rules posted on the trees/ &c? were certainly such as I have/ never before seen on any public/ ground. No dancing, no gam-/ bling, no intoxicating liquors, no/ carousing of any kind. So you/ see we were calculated to have/ a pleasant time, and every body[sic]/ come[sic] home sober. I did hear/ that Davis’ son had his bottle/ with him but I did not see it/. Mr Wood sends his regards to/ you. Mr Davis told me on/ Sabbath he had heard from you/ again and would answer soon./ Mrs Carr was at the excursion/ yesterday and Mr Carr has gone/ to New Haven. I can scarcely/ write for Willie he wants to/ upset the inkstand whether or/ not. And when he leaves me/ he’s sure to crawl where he has/ no business right down the yard/ towards the water. Its[sic] nothing/ for him to go in and out the/ back door he has grown to be/ such a man. I would take him/ in the country tomorrow if it were/ not that you are coming home/ next week. So far as Cape May/ is concerned, I am not anxious/ to go, moreover I shrink from/ the gayety. The country will suit/ me first as well if I could only/ find a pleasant place. R. Cole/ is going to West Chester and will/ inquire for me. Then if she/ succeeds in securing me a/ nice place I think I shall go,/ after you return, so I dont [sic]/ care how soon you come/ for I want to see you very/ much indeed. I hope you look/ as well as you did when I saw/ you in my dream. I went/ to Mrs Jones funeral on Satur-/day- her death was quite sudden./ Mr {All [crossed out]}Johnson conducted the/ services Mr Johns assisted- Mr/ Carr - was away. Mr Birch preached/ for us Sunday morning and af-/ternoon, Mr Phillips in the/ ev'ning Many inquiries are/ made for you to so I give them/ all in a lump. Much/ love and many kisses from/ Ma, Willie, and me./ Your Devoted Wife/ Carrie./