[Letter of 1866 July 24]


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digital facsimile


[Letter of 1866 July 24]




Brothers and sisters
African American families


Anderson, Caroline Still, 1848-1911 [recipient]






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Temple University Libraries, Charles L. Blockson Afro-American Collection

Digital Collection

William Still Collection
Blockson manuscripts
William Still Collection

Digital Publisher

Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Libraries





Document Content

Phila, July 24th,/66/ Dear Sister,/ It affords me much/ pleasure to write to you hoping that you/ and Evy are well. Mother told me to say/ in the letter that Evys Sister had to move/ perhaps Evy might know it by this time/ I suppose that is the reason Evy didnot/ get a letter. Popy was amuse[sic] at the/ letter about the carpet and he said that/ he will get you a new one you must/ keep the one you got until the new one/ [?]es; Remember these words of instructions/ [yo?]u must not throw out dirty water/ [bef]ore you get in clean. Mother said/ [th?]at she knowed[sic] the likeness when she/ [f?]irst saw it. Mrs. Harper said/ that he is a[sic] going to be your husband/ Mr. Scott and Gimmy are at our house./ Mr. Scott is getting subscribers for the/ Tennasean which is a very good paper/ I see an account in the Tena. that Theodore/ is teaching school, and in another [?]/ of the paper which says the following words/ Wanted Every colered person to read the/ Advertisement of the Theodore [Coonis?].We got/ a letter from Josephine early this morning she/ says that Robie is well and enjoying himself/ and that she [dos nt?] want to come home/ before the end of next month, Elly is well also and/ enjoying herself elly[sic] is a[sic] going to spend a/ few days to[sic] Uncle Gimmies house Uncle/ Sammie is getting his house made large so/ Josephine says that every thing[sic] is up side[sic]/ down and she would not like [?]/ Nancy to come up before next septe[?]/ when the house is all fixed Gimmy is [?]/ how to weigh coal. We began to send [?]/ yesterday afternoon. The yard is not [?]/ finished yet after it is finished Popy [?]/ going to take the reporters down. The store is/ not empty yet I hope it will be empty this/ week. We all enjoy ourselves home. Mother/ went to see the house in Lombard Street I/ [?] to describe it it is a very nice one./ Mother said that she is trying to get a/ shirt for you like the cape she sent you./ And mother said that she bought a nice/ [?] basket at the fair for you : she said/ that you must keep the one you got in/ good order because she wants it again./ The Ladies made at the fair $100 Mrs]/ Barstow came yesterday and told mother that/ they mad[sic] $100 so we think they done/ pretty well they are a[sic] going to start another/ one mother said in the Winter time just/ [?] time you will be home maby[sic] Mother said/ [?] she dont know wether[sic] you will be/ [?] or not but if you are home you/ [?] assist Mother said. Uncle Gimmy will/ [?] down to morrow[sic]. I am in the store all/ [?] every day. Popy said that the store/ will be closed this week. I believe I/ have said all that I have got to say/ All send there[sic] love. Tweety was very sick/ last night. We will send your things in a little/ [Under first line, Page 3 = [Phila July 25th,/66?]] while. We got your letter the other day [?]/ I was very glad to get mine. Moth[er?]/ will write you a nice letter when she/ has time. The White tonic is only to be used/ when the head is dirty with dander occasionaly[sic]/ it makes the hair harsh, the other is to be/ used that is the red occasionaly[sic], instead of/ a teaspoon full it is a table-spoon full Mother/ sent you a circular and you may see/ by it you must used[sic] a a table spoonful/ to [a?] two tables spoon full of watter water. You/ will see it on the tonic. Here is one $/ for you take it and make good use of it./ I cant let you have any more fare a/ while. Popy did not know that Mrs. [?]/ children was[sic] there when he sent the [?]./ If he had knowed known it he would ha[?]/ sent them a box of candies if they [?]/ there when he sends the next bo[?]/ Please let him know and he will [?]/ them something as it is. Mother [?]/ to be a good girl at least she told [?]/ to put it in the letter and you must/ be a good girl too. ./ Please excused[sic] my mistakes. That young mans letter was quite/ interesting./ W.W. Still/ Yours Truly/ W.W. Still/