[Letter of 1873 August 11]


digital facsimile
digital facsimile


[Letter of 1873 August 11]




African American families

Geographic Subject

Atlantic City (N.J.)


Wiley, Edward A. [recipient]






This material is made available for private study, scholarship, and research use. For access to the original letter, or high-resolution reproduction, please contact the Charles L. Blockson Afro-American Collection (blockson@temple.edu; 215-204-6632).


Temple University Libraries, Charles L. Blockson Afro-American Collection

Digital Collection

William Still Collection
Blockson manuscripts
William Still Collection

Digital Publisher

Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Libraries





Document Content

Atlantic City August: 11 ‘73/ My Dear Edward:/ I was more than/ glad to receive your letter which/ got home first of course and/ then had to be sent here. I/ received it Saturday ev'ning/ and would have answered im=/mediately but I judged that/ Pop had written to you and/ told you where I was and/ as I had neither pen, ink nor/ paper and Mrs Jones had to/ go to the city that morning with/ Mr. Jones so I could get none/ from her I therefore concluded/ to wait until Monday Morn-/ing came when I could buy/ some. Monday came but Mary Lizzie was very sick/ indeed – Sunday night she/ -way as/ I should/ like to/ see- still/ I hope/ for the/ best./ I shall/ leave here/ tomorrow/ having/ been here/ one week/ to-day[sic]:/ Your loving/ wife –/ Carrie/ not have been feeling as well/ as you did when you wrote./ Force of circumstances I take/ it have helped your case/ admirably. I am very glad you were able to go in to/ bathe – doubtless that has help-/ed you. I have been in twice/ and enjoyed it hugely. I would/ like to have taken baby in/ but I knew he would scream/ and I was fearful that I might/ not be able to hold him or he/ might not receive the benefit/ I should like him to have through/ some inexperience on my part/ so I kept him out. I have/ had him on the beach quite/ often and to-day brought him/ up fully intending to take him/ back and duck him but Mrs War-/rick who went in with me/ thought she was dying, so/ as her mother was away I/ turned in and helped [do?] what/ I could and between Willie/ and the sick no material could/ I secure or letter write- ev'ning/ came and Willie went to sleep/ so I went to the apothecaries, bought/ my supply and now writing/ what I trust will be lovingly/ received. I was so anxious to/ hear from you before your/ letter came that I wrote to/ Mother telling her to forward/ immediately any word that/ might be received from you./ I was fearful that you were/ sick. I am glad that your/ health has improved, perhaps/ if there had not been two/ agents in N. P. prior to/ your going there you might/ thought I had better not. Sun-/day Mr. W. was here and went/ in with us. Atlantic City is/ certainly a delightful place and/ Mr Jones’ cottage is just/ where the white folks and no/ colored are to be seen living/ for themselves boarding and the/ like- just where I should like/ to live or be similarly situa/ted if elsewhere in the place./ But I will tell you more when/ I see you. So you are coming/ home you think. Baltimore/ on the train again, all right./ I’ll see you when you come./ I think Willie has improved/ some but his bowels dont/ seem to stay right and so/ he cant make as much head-/