[Letter of 1868 March 23]
[Letter of 1868 March 23]
Household employees
African American women
African American families
African Americans -- 19th century
Anderson, Caroline Still, 1848-1911 [recipient]
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Digital Collection
William Still Collection
Blockson manuscripts
William Still Collection
Digital Publisher
Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Libraries
Document Content
March 23, 1868/ Dear Cady I sepose you whon/ der why mother dount write well/ it has bin for the want of time/ I hav bin very tired somutch so/ that when sunday comes I am/ too tird to go to church but I have/ help now the girl that I have/ is a jearsey girl she is a good wor/ ker she is betwen sixteen and seve/ nteen she is quiet a woman but/ not a fast one she will make most too of/ you she came last sunday she pu/ t out the wash on monday/ today I dounot assist with the/ wash I get breakfast and din/ ner and make the beds with/ elln help so she can stick to/ the washing you canot amag/ en how mutch releave I am/ Cusen Nancy thay have except/ her at the home I hope she will/ get thear - soon I find she is faling/ fast I think some times that she/ will not get a way Elle want/ to know why you dounot write to/ her, Robert comes running in a/ half cry give my love to Cadiy a/ do kiss and kiss me for you/ Mrs. Sovell and Miss Elenden call/ Ms. Elenden huges to be remember/ to you how did you and cate ma/ ke it a bout that [opincap?] are y/ ou, a, gointo by her [parrosool?]/ what is that about a dress you/ want I haven’t heid hird your/ letter, red yet canot Oblen afford/ any better ink do[u?] try and/ get some better Mrs Whyle sent/ a, letter last weak but I haven’t/ seen nor hird from it sence/ [Huty?] Br[oss?] is Ded and [brined?]/ friday last I hear that she ma/ de a very good end [thro?] she/ shorten her days by goin to/ the opera, write soon I sepose/ you are verry bi[xx?]y I went/ up to jones yesterday from/ Magry I am a fraid that she/ will kill her sef for the want/ of know how how to take/ care of her self she is all a bou/ t the house her face is filling up/ Letitia Still/ Dear Sister/ As mother/ wanted me to fill out tha/ few lines I thought I whould/ I am not so well I hav not/ been to school for a week. I am/ geting along withe my studys/ very well. Mrs. Daglass said/ that she thought that/ thought that I had better/ ought to be going out of long/ division. the Snow is quite/ deep in the Streets I am tired/ of seening so much snow Cadie/ whay haven you answer my/ letter you cant now say that/ I haven writen to you bisness/ is puty [brist?] with popy/ and I hope it will continue/ with [him?] I have 71 cents [and?]/ to of the school girls ows me/ for now I [e[x?]spect?] to it to mar[x?]y/ for Some paper I sold them/ I hav trused them before/ and they have done it Mother/ is know reading newspa/ per. Mother was thinking/ of making Mrs. Dascom of a pre[ent?]/ of a dress cap n and what do you think/ I must bring my letter to close. Your/ truly E Still/