[Letter of 1866 June 1]


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digital facsimile


[Letter of 1866 June 1]




African American families
Fathers and daughters
African American students
Oberlin College -- Students
Minorities -- Education (Higher) -- United States
African Americans -- 19th century


Still, William, 1821-1902 [recipient]






This material is made available for private study, scholarship, and research use. For access to the original letter or high-resolution reproduction, please contact the Charles L. Blockson Afro-American Collection (blockson@temple.edu; 215-204-6632).


Temple University Libraries, Charles L. Blockson Afro-American Collection

Digital Collection

William Still Collection
Blockson manuscripts
William Still Collection

Digital Publisher

Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Libraries





Document Content

[1866]/Oberlin June 1st,, / 60/ Dear Father:/ Your more than welcome/ came this morning. I should have been/ very much disappointed if I had not heard/ from some of you my business was/ so important the sack and the “patch” you/ know. I hope they will come safely I shall/ be so much relieved as you say. Well/ dear Pa what do you think that ten dolls/ you sent me settled all my present/ dues but two dolls worth and it would/ have settle [a ?]d that two dolls, if I had/ not been obliged to have some oil/ which took only fourteen cts its true/ but when fourteen cts is out then/ it is that much less of two dollars/ and two dollars out of the ten was/ all I had. My room need $3.00 In=/cidentals [ I ?] $2.00 what I get for my/head $2.70 and 5 cts I owed for some/ thing necessary of course for I don’t pre=/ tend to buy anything to eat and I/ do want some ice cream so much-/ but never mind that. I shall touch -/ lightly the remainder of this two dolls/ and if you could possibly spare me/ another two to pay where this should/ have gone to Mrs Peck as I wrote/ you in the letter acknowledging/ the receipt of the $25.00 – I will be/ very much obliged indeed. Then too/ I wrote you the shoes I got last/ term did not wear well at all/ and so I have had to get me an=/ other pair $3.50 can you send me/ enough to pay for them Everytime / I write it seems to me I write for/ money and I know you think/ I spend a lot but really I try to/ be careful and dont go in debt/ only when I cant help it. You know/ [but then?] to I have generally brought two/pair of new shoes from home but/ this time I had only those with me/ for Sunday and [E ?}every day which/ I bought here last Fall. Now another/ matter it has been the custom here/ for years and years with the gradu/ ating class to exchange pictures each/ classmate with the others – no matter/ how poor or how ugly. Arrangements/ have been made for our class to/ go each separately and sit for pictures/ neg[sic] one dollar and as many pictures/ as one wants after that faculty or/ any body[sic] at the rate of 12’2 cts a/ piece. A paper was passed around/ in class and every one put down/ a number opposite the name signi/ fying how many she or he desired/ I am the only colored one in the/class and because I did not say how/ many I wanted they or rather some/ thought I [felt?] a little difference or/ I thought none[e ?] of them did’nt[sic] want my/ picture but this was not the reason/ I really did not know as the most/ part of them how much money/ I should or could command therefore/how much could be spared for pic=/ tures and so I did not name the/ number I desired./ As the rate mentioned fifty (in=/ cluding classmates and professors) which/ would satisfy me I think would cost/ $7.[20?] – Some get from fifty to one hun=/dred. I too would. Like some of my self/but if you think this too much or not/ enough please tell me there are over/forty of us in the class and the re=/mainder will be of the Faculty. / I dont think we shall have to/ pay for them till about commence/ment time only the negative $1.00/ but we have to sit now so we can/ get them printed: If I do not/ get a parasol from home I shall have/ to buy one here the sun is so hot. I shall be as black as a colored child/ Please make/ Will and/ Ella write/ to me. I/ don’t get/ any letters/ from home/ at all. / Affectionate=/ly. Carrie. /