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Browse Items (42 search result(s))

  • Collection: Animals in Art

Description from the artist's website: "Mediated Encounters allows siamese fighting fish to control two large robotic sculptures and meet each other across the gap of the glass. By swimming to the edge of the glass sensors activate motors which allow…

Description from the artist's website: "Delicate Balance designed to allow a fish to determine the direction that it moves along a wire, so it can explore it's environment beyond the limits of the tank. Bettas have excellent sight giving them the…

Stainless steel human-monkey hybrids

Stainless steel human-wallaby hybrid sculpture

Humanized primate sculpture holding human infant; according to the artist, "the work was inspired by the story of a baboon whose infant died while she was nursing and who then abducted a human child as a substitute." (see relation for source)

Whale-shaped hot air balloon; explores the notion of species' adaptation to specific ecological niches

Hyperreal sculpture; statement by the artist indicates that the Bodyguard has been designed "to help protect the Golden Helmeted Honeyeater, from people, from encroachment, and to help support its rather strange eating habits."

Taxidermy fawn with metal braces

Ceramic sculpture featuring a rabbit wearing a gas mask while nursing young

Ceramic sculpture of a badger with a human skull revealed
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