[Letter of 1866 August 15]


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digital facsimile


[Letter of 1866 August 15]




African American fathers
Fathers and daughters


Anderson, Caroline Still, 1848-1911 [recipient]






This material is made available for private study, scholarship, and research use. For access to the original letter or high-resolution reproduction, please contact the Charles L. Blockson Afro-American Collection (blockson@temple.edu; 215-204-6632).


Temple University Libraries, Charles L. Blockson Afro-American Collection

Digital Collection

William Still Collection
Blockson manuscripts
William Still Collection

Digital Publisher

Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Libraries





Document Content

Philadelphia Aug. 15th 1866/ Dear Carrie/ Your letter of the 11th/ inst. is to hand. You are an/ excellent pleader for money./ Well I will now releive[sic]/ you at least to some extent./ Enclosed you will find/ Forty dollars ($40.) Out of/ this pay your board, wash/ bill, borrowed money &c./ You seem fearful that the/ treasures will be anxious/ if the board is not duly paid/ in advance./ When I was about/ to take to myself a wife, (Some/ 18 years ago) I applied to a gentleman/ for a small house he owned/ which was "to let," and he told/ me imphatically[sic] that his/ “rule was unswervingly" to/ receive his rents in advance/ "I do not get my pay in/ advance", I remarked./ hence as he was unyielding/ I declined to make further/ efforts. As a general thing/ I have faithfully adhered/ to my decision in this instance/ and feel now that I am/ too old to depart from/ it. Of course if the In/ stitution Intertains[sic] the/ idea that it would be/ unsafe to wait till the/ money is really due./ I should feel quite in-/ clined to satisfy them that/ to the contrary, but I am/ of the opinion that my/ character & circumstances/ are some what[sic] known/ in Oberlin and that/ you are laboring needlessly/ under fears without a cause. It will be out of my power/ to come to commencement./ If I was not very busy/ I would be glad to come./ I duly forwarded Pett Jones'/ letter. With regard to Mr. Hud/ son of N. Y. I think I/ know him, but am not/ certain. If his daughter/ should come to room/ with you I hope she will/ prove to be a worthy/ young lady; but whether/ she thus proves to be or not/ I trust Carrie Still will not/ fail to do her duty./You have been [h?]ad off/ "no stamps", "no needles",/ "ashamed to borrow" &c./What has become of Miss/ Ch Cashin & how is she getting/ along? Has she improved much/ generally? And who pays for/ her? Does she board in the/ hall? Mrs. Dorsey is bad off/ from what I hear. She borrow/ =ed some money of me some/ 3 months ago, which she promised/ to pay in 1 month without/ fail but has not paid it yet/ no[sic] offered to do so. We will try & hurry up the/ things./ Your Affectionate/ Father/ W.S./