[Letter: date unknown]
[Letter: date unknown]
African American College students
African Americans -- 19th century
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Temple University Libraries, Charles L. Blockson Afro-American Collection
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William Still Collection
Blockson manuscripts
William Still Collection
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Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Libraries
Document Content
Mr. Watkins the only colored "Fresh/ men," had an oratory last/ Monday, _ "worthy rhetorical"/ “new duties_ and new relations"/ He spoke of his people, their/ wants, and their failings/ [Lor?] child he "just" more than/ went down on the coons, and/ brought down the greatest amount/ of indignation upon his head/ from his colored brothers and/ sisters. The fun of it he thought/ sure the Woodson girls would/ be on his side, and they made/ the biggest kind of a fuss. Some/ one went and told him that/ I was just delighted with it./ I didn’t have very much fault/ to find with it, but I dont think/ he a had any business to get up/ I forgot to/ say that/ Miss Massey/ has gone to/ New York/ for a short/ time, she didn’t/ get your letter/ but Mrs./ Campton/ will send/ it to her if/ it comes to/ Oberlin/ love to all/ Your Aff. Sister/ Ellie and give it right out that the/ colored people were and ungrateful/ race &c. I asked him if he/ thought it would cause as much/ talk as it did he said he/ hadn’t any idea that it would/ but he was glad now that he/ had said it, he only did it for/ the best. He gave the girls a hit about/ their dress, and visiting and & so/ forth I told the good brother nothing/ he said [hit?] me. I [guess?] though/ all ill feeling [x?] against the poor/ fellow will soon blow over!/ I [guess?] this letter will have to beg its way to Phila has I/ have not a stamp for it. I gave Nor/ mie my last five cts last night to/ get me this paper I did'nt expect more/ than five sheets and somehow he got/ twelve. I took it with a thankful/ heart. Mr. White showed me the/ pictures/ of the/ scholars/ taken/ in a/ group/ I recognize/ ed quite/ a number/ I saw/ quite/ a number/ of/ faces./ His/ son is/ growing/ quite/ nicely/ I must/ certainly/ close/