[Letter of 1868 April 16]
[Letter of 1868 April 16]
Equality -- United States
Liberty -- United States
Page 2 missing.
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William Still Collection
Blockson manuscripts
William Still Collection
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Document Content
Lincoln University/ Ap 16th 68/ Dear cousin:-/ Yours of March the 8th/ was received some days ago./ At the time of its arrival at the/ University, I was spending/ a pleasant visit at home./ I found all of my people/ very well; but sister Emma/ I had a long conversation,/ with Uncle James, and in the/ course of our ple^asant converse,/ he informed me, that his/ son William would not/ remain at college longer than/ June. All of my old friends/ were glad to see me, and/ of course, I was pleased to see/ them On the whole I had a/ good time./ Your eyes; but still you may/ not agree with me. But never-/ the less we wait the glorious/ day of liberty. I mean liberty/ in its truest, and strictest sense./ With much anxiety do I watch/ the signs of the times. - There is/ an enternal[sic] reformation, work-/ing in the heart of this nation,/ which I trust, will restore freedom/ to all. I know, that there are/ all manner of workmen trying/ to prevent the coming of that/ auspicious,^ day Which^ we long to see/ But the Crisis of a tenable con-/flict is at hand, when the/ iron arm of the [bold?] tyrant/ is to be broken, or the ship of this/ Republic must sink/ May that ^day be hastened, when/ the [xxx?] shall be permitted/ to shine, upon a land of/ freedom, consecrated to/ God, in the name of a true/ Republic; having this inscrip-/tion indelibly written upon her/ banner, freedom justice, and/ humanity. And then shall this/ indeed be a land of the free/ and brave, and a hone for/ the oppressed. Lest I weary with/ a dry and unimportant subject/ I will change the conversation/ We are preparing for commence/ment day, at which time/ we hop[sic] to make a grand display/ I must close, hoping the next/ time you write, I will be favoured/ with your photograph./ Tell me what your friend/ thinks of Lincoln University/ I will send you this years/ Catalogue soon Will you be so/ kind as to send me one of/ yours Friend Waters & [Harmon?]/ are well. If you [should?] by chance/ see an old maid, who would ^ like to/ keep house for ^a young bachelor/ please let me know, as I shall/ want a good house keeper as/ soon as I am [done?] here. She/ must be pleasant true and kind/ When your friend one answering/ the description. I will exchange/ photographs./ I hope you will look around/ and send me word soon./ Respectfully/ [?] Jos [L?] Thompson/