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  • Collection: Philadelphia: Phila Sesamo

A choreographer, Jungwoong Kim created a performance "Memory" to commemorate the disaster.

A performance will be followed on Sunday, 3:00 p.m. of July 10, by a different performance in Dilworth Park, focused on the 2014 Korean Sewol ferry disaster. Both will inform a longer piece, SaltSoul, to be performed in October at the Asian Arts…

A public discussion was scheduled at Ambler Mennonite church

There was a public discussion on social issues in Korea related to the Sewol Ferry disaster.

Commemoration of 500th day was scheduled at 7:00 p.m. August 29, 2015.

A 88-year-old women wrote a poem to commemorate the tragedy in Philadelphia after she read a news article.

Phila Sesamo planned to do picketing during the Pope's visit in Philadelphia.

10월 29일 토요일 저녁, 416기억저장소 후원을 위한 음악회를 진행했습니다. 국악과 양악이 어우러진 공연에 150여명 동포들이 함께 했습니다. 태평소, 생황, 피리로 우리 음악의 힘과…
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