Picketing for revealing the truth of Sewol Ferry in Toronto
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Picketing for revealing the truth of Sewol Ferry in Toronto
Justice for Sewol Ferry Victims.
We Won’t be Still!
We Won’t Be Silenced!...
We would like to share the truth of the South Korean ferry incident with the international society and seek for their support for the Korean people. Our effort to deliver these messages will take the form of a silent rally (and or expressive rally) where the participants in black clothes with yellow ribbon on their chest.
The plan is in its burgeoning stage, though, we have set the date and time for Saturday, June 21st, 2 pm, in front of the North York Civic Centre (5100 Yonge St.). Please join us if you feel anything at all for the victims and their loved ones. Please join us as we become one in humanity and justice.
• 준비물 : 검정색이나 흰색 옷(가능하면 검정색), 각자의 구호가 적인 종이 포스터(나무 막대기나 봉이 있으면 안된다고 합니다. 스티로폴이나 종이 사용)
We Won’t be Still!
We Won’t Be Silenced!...
We would like to share the truth of the South Korean ferry incident with the international society and seek for their support for the Korean people. Our effort to deliver these messages will take the form of a silent rally (and or expressive rally) where the participants in black clothes with yellow ribbon on their chest.
The plan is in its burgeoning stage, though, we have set the date and time for Saturday, June 21st, 2 pm, in front of the North York Civic Centre (5100 Yonge St.). Please join us if you feel anything at all for the victims and their loved ones. Please join us as we become one in humanity and justice.
• 준비물 : 검정색이나 흰색 옷(가능하면 검정색), 각자의 구호가 적인 종이 포스터(나무 막대기나 봉이 있으면 안된다고 합니다. 스티로폴이나 종이 사용)
Sewol Toronto
Sewol Toronto
Hyperlink Item Type Metadata
Sewol Toronto , “Picketing for revealing the truth of Sewol Ferry in Toronto ,” activediaspora, accessed March 10, 2025, http://gamma.library.temple.edu/activediaspora/items/show/507.