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Science Meets Art | Browse Items Skip to content Skip to search

Browse Items (120 search result(s))

Ceramic sculpture featuring a rabbit wearing a gas mask while nursing young

Ceramic sculpture of a badger with a human skull revealed

Ceramic sculpture featuring a human fetus inside of a multi-limbed frog

Assemblage of ~150 sculpture toads

Photographic installation exploring the racial standards of whippets as well as the identity construction of breeders. A work in 6 parts: matt c-type prints on aluminum.

Photographic portraits exploring the racial standards of whippets as well as the identity construction of breeders. Diptych: matt c-type prints on aluminium (left); A single matt c-type print on aluminium in black tray frame (right).

Photographic portraits exploring the racial standards of whippets as well as the identity construction of breeders. C-type matt print in white wood box frame with Perspex; features a white whippet.

Photographic installation featuring whippets

From Lisek's website: "The aim of the project was to build a multidimensional object comprising of my DNA code [collected from my saliva] and codes of chosen viruses [Lloviu virus, Polio virus, Marburg virus and Ebola virus]. A class of objects which…

This project explores issues of food, the life cycle, labor, and agriculture through a series of workshops.
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