[Letter of 1868 March 5]
[Letter of 1868 March 5]
African American fathers
African American families
Fathers and daughters
African American businesspeople
Anderson, Caroline Still, 1848-1911 [recipient]
This material is made available for private study, scholarship, and research use. For access to the original letter, or high-resolution reproduction, please contact the Charles L. Blockson Afro-American Collection (blockson@temple.edu; 215-204-6632).
Temple University Libraries, Charles L. Blockson Afro-American Collection
Digital Collection
William Still Collection
Blockson manuscripts
William Still Collection
Digital Publisher
Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Libraries
Document Content
Phila Mar. 5th 1868/ Dear Carrie:/ Your letter of the/ 24th ult. came duly to hand/ and I tried hard to read/ it immediately on its/ arrival, but before finish/ ing it, was obliged to lay/ it aside owing to the ex-/ treme paleness of the ink/ with which you had pened[sic] it,/ and now be not surprised/ if I tell you frankly I have/ just this moment got through/ with it. Now why is it/ that you always write with/ such miserable pale ink?/ Nobody else does as I am/ aware of. Here is 25 cts to get you some good black/ ink and please do not write any more with that/ other milk & water &c./ I have noticed your/ expenses & finances. En-/ closed find five dollars/ for you washing & two/ dollars for little things./ My business keeps me/ so closely occupyed[sic] that I have/ but little time for any thing/ else. It is doing first rate./ sales are more than double/ what they were this time/ last year, and I have no/ fears if my success continues/ my yard will be decidedly/ the leading one on yar/ Washington Avenue./ Have you heard of the/ death of Brother Samuel’s wife?/ She was burried[sic] last Thursday./ Aunt Nina also looks/ sick. We are all/ admonished by these changes/ and therefore should en-/ deavor to be ready for the/ Messenger come when/ he may. God is good and/ we should delight to love/ and keep his Commandments./ Andy is in a/ ditch./ He iswill come to his/ end and none shall help/ him./ Mrs Harper is with/ us at present- On Friday/ she is to leave for the far/ west to fill an engagement/ Your Mother & the children/ are all well./ In great haste/ Your affectionate father / Wm Still/ P.S. Up at 5 this morn./ in order to write you/ and EW. W. Have finished./ Its now quarter of 7 and/ I am ready. for breakfast/ and then I shall be off to/ the office in a jiffy./ Ws2, pa almouils $2.5/ 3 “ Raisins l. .90/ 2 jelly cakes 1.20/ Other cakes 1.18 [Sewous?] 90 Sugar 3 – 4 Eggs & Butter- 1 [8?]4 $7.76 1.[3?]5 1/2