[Letter of 1875 May 6]
[Letter of 1875 May 6]
African American women -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- Societies and clubs
African American Christians (Disciples of Christ)
African Americans -- 19th century
Anderson, Caroline Still, 1848-1911 [recipient]
This material is made available for private study, scholarship, and research use. For access to the original letter, or high-resolution reproduction, please contact the Charles L. Blockson Afro-American Collection (blockson@temple.edu; 215-204-6632).
Temple University Libraries, Charles L. Blockson Afro-American Collection
Digital Collection
William Still Collection
Blockson manuscripts
William Still Collection
Digital Publisher
Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Libraries
Document Content
Howard University/ Washington D.C./ May 6th 75/ Mrs. C.V. Wiley:/ My dear friend,/ your kind invitation to partici-/pate in the Second Annual Enter-/tainment of the ‘Women's Christian/ Relief Association is before me/ and as it is near at hand I has-/ten at once to reply./ I must ask you/ however before responding, to excuse/ this seeming delay on my part./ Your note is dated the 3d, and though/ Templeton has been in town sev=/eral days, yet he has just handed/ it to me, so if there is any blame/ at all, it rests upon the head of/ this [most?] Rev. Prelate and not [upon?]/ your humble servant./ I was very happy indeed to receive your letter, and/ can assure you, that nothing would/ afford me greater pleasure than/ to comply with its simple request./ For what are we here for but to/ lend a helping hand to every effort/ that is put forth for the allevia-/tion of the condition of the sor-/rowing and suffering ones of earth,/ O yes, God has sent us here for/ the purpose of laboring for each/ others welfare, especially for the/ elevation of those whose lots have/ been [east?] in unpleasant places,/ who have been exposed to tempta/tion and who have fallen from/ the high estate in which they/ were [created ?]. And I know from/ the past experience what a noble work your/ association is doing among this/ class of people. But unfortunate-/ly the delay of your note has/ left me so little time, that it will/ be impossible, under the circum/ stance to accept. I will do this however/ You remember my lecture on "The/ Inherent Moral Forces in Society"/ since its delivery in Philadelphia/ I have thoroughly revised it. and/ as there were so few out to hear/ it then, I would be very happy/ to redeliver it under the aus-/pices of your association, and/ allow the entire proceeds, after de-/ducting my traveling expenses, to/ go to its benefit, If you think/ favorably of this let me hear/ from you. I have delivered it/ here twice and recently have been/ [ringed?] by some of my friends/ to deliver it for a third time,/ but this is too much and so I/ have declined/ And now in conclu/sion let me wish you and the/ rest of the ladies God speed in/ the noble work in which you are/ engage, may all of your efforts be/ crowned with success, and may/ your association be in the future/ what it has been in the past, a/ tender parent to the poor, des-/titute and sorrowing women of your/ City. For God knows they need/ some one[sic] to sympathize with them,/ to care for them, to touch the secret/ [spiss?] of all that is best and noblest/ in them and thus make them God/ intended them to be consecrated powers, the g[xx?]de,/ the hope, the inspiration of those/ around them. O woman little/ knowest what powers are [thine?]. Thou/ canst touch the hardest heart,/ The baser thou canst transmute/ into the higher, out of this dull/ clay thou canst draw immortal/ beauty, Thou canst dignify, thou/ canst ennoble, all,- all powers/ are thine, I trust therefore that/ you will feel encouraged in/ your noble efforts and in Heaven/ above where God is love I know/ that you will all receive your re-/ward. "Well done good and faith-/ful servant, thou hast been/ faithful over a few things, Enter into the joy of thy Lord."/ Most Respectfully,/ F.J. Grimke/ P.S. Please give abundance of/ love to your father for/ me and tell him that I long/ to see [?] to feel once again the cordial grasp of his friendly/ [hand?]./ F.J.G./