The second anniversary of the Sewol Ferry commemoration: Cruel state film screening in New York University

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The second anniversary of the Sewol Ferry commemoration: Cruel state film screening in New York University


세월호 희생자 2 주기 추모행사 ( 뉴욕 뉴저지 2주기 추모 준비 활동 영상)
슬프지만 슬퍼만 하지 않겠습니다. 더욱더 열심히 활짝 웃으며 앞으로 앞으로 진실을 향해 나아가겠습니다. 뛰다가 지치면 걸어가면 됩니다. 걷다가 지치면 그럼 잠시 앉아 기다리면 ^^ 분명 (우리 뉴욕 뉴저지 세사모 분들이) 특히 "나쌤"이 거대한 밴 몰고 올 것을 믿습니다. 밝고 힘차게 이번주도 뉴욕 뉴저지 정기 집회를 이어갑니다. 진실이 밝혀지는 그 때까지 쭈~~욱~~~ 하겠습니다. 100곳이 넘는 곳을 한 곳 한 곳 발로 뛰어 다니며 2주기 행사 홍보 활동에 힘써주신 우리 뉴욕 뉴저지 세사모 여러분 진심으로 감사드립니다. 또한, 나무가 쓰러질 만큼 강풍이 부는 상황 속에서도 진실규명 추모집회에 참석해 주신 여러분께 다시 한번 감사 드립니다.
전세계 30개 도시에서 세월호 참사 2주기 추모 행사 이루어 집니다.
The 2nd Annual Memorial Ceremony of Sewol Ferry Tragedy (30 Cities In The Whole World - 세계 30개 도시) 세월호 희생자 2 주기 추모행사 (절대 잊을 수 없다. 포기 할 수 없다.)
It has been over 720 days since the Sewol Ferry sank off the coast of South Korea, killing 304 people. We had two Sewol hearings at the National Assembly. From the two hearings, we found the clear fact that Korean Government (including Marine police) actually didn't have any intention to save our children. Instead, they saved the Seowl's captain and his crew and commanded them to mercilessly abandon the ferry. We are still struggling to bring out the truth to light. We will never give up because we feel pain that the families of the Sewol Victims feel. WE JUST CAN'T GIVE UP BECAUSE WE ARE HUMANS WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO LOVE EACH OTHER.
NY NJ SESAMO (세월호 2주기 추모행사 기간 4.15 - 4.17)
We are having a free screening of a movie called " Cruel State" at NYU to remember the victims of the Sewol Ferry Tragedy and support their families. It has been 2 Years Already. The Sewol families are sitting in this empty class, waiting for their children to come back. They can't let their children go because they still don't know why their children were not rescued although there was enough time to save them all. It was actually a massacre. NY NJ SESAMO will never give up our hope to bring the truth to light because this is the only way to help the Sewol families to say goodbye finally to their children. Therefore, We are holding the 2nd Annual Memorial Ceremony to call for a full investigation into the Sewol Ferry Tragedy, a massacre which took place on April 16th 2014. Although the Special Sewol Law was passed in November 2014, a proper investigation has never been conducted despite 304 innocent people (mostly high school students) having lost their lives in the disaster. In fact, the Sewol Investigative Committee expires June of this year, even before the Sewol hull is fully recovered and scrutinized. We demand the South Korean government to pass new legislation that would renew the Investigative Committee and permit it to continue its work. Again, New York New Jersey Sesamo ( People in Solidarity with the Families of the Sewol Victims) will never give up our hope to bring the truth to light.

The 2nd Annual Memorial Ceremony of Sewol Ferry Tragedy (30 Cities In The Whole World - 세계 32개 도시)
It has been over 720 days since the Sewol Ferry sank off the coast of South Korea, killing 304 people. We had two Sewol hearings at the National Assembly. From the two hearings, we found the clear fact that Korean Government (including Marine police) actually didn't have any intention to save our children. Instead, they saved the Seowl's captain and his crew and commanded them to mercilessly abandon the ferry. We are still struggling to bring out the truth to light. We will never give up because we feel pain that the families of the Sewol Victims feel. WE JUST CAN'T GIVE UP BECAUSE WE ARE HUMANS WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO LOVE EACH OTHER.
일상의 소소한 웃음이 지나간 매 순간마다 그 날의 기억은 시퍼런 칼날이 되어 가슴에 박히고 행복은 어김없이 불행이 됩니다. 사랑했지만 이별은 못한 이들 세월호 유가족 실종자 가족들에게는 소원은 하나 뿐입니다. 실종자를 찾고 침몰의 진실을 밝히기 위해 세월호를 온전히 인양하고, 성역 없는 조사를 통한 진상규명과 책임자를 처벌하고, 안전한 나라를 만들어 다시는 이런 비극이 일어나지 않게 하는 것입니다. 사랑했지만 아직도이별을 못한 이분들의 소원은 “세월호의 진실을 밝히는 것” 뿐입니다. 저희 뉴욕 뉴저지 세사모는 끝까지 함께 하겠습니다. 끝까지 잊지 않겠습니다. 끝까지 행동하겠습니다. 우리 세월호 아이들을 위해서 그리고 남겨진 우리 아이들의 미래를 위해서 말입니다.

New York & New Jersey Events

Apr.15.2016 (6pm-9pm ) “CRUEL STATE” Film Screening (FREE)
19 University place, 102 downstairs , New York, NY 10003
New York University ( 뉴욕대학교)

Apr.16.2016 (4pm-6pm) Memorial Ceremony
38-24 149th St, Flushing, NY 11354
The First United Methodist Church in Flushing (후러싱 제일교회)

Apr.17.2016 (4pm-6pm) SESAMO 2nd Memorial Rally
Broadway between 31st and 32nd Street, New York, 10001
Korea Town in Mahattan ( 맨하탄 한인타운)


NY/NJ Sesamo



NY/NJ Sesamo






Event Item Type Metadata


Apr.15.2016 (6pm-9pm ) “CRUEL STATE” Film Screening (FREE)
19 University place, 102 downstairs , New York, NY 10003
New York University ( 뉴욕대학교)

Event Type

Film screening


NY/NJ Sesamo




NY/NJ Sesamo , “The second anniversary of the Sewol Ferry commemoration: Cruel state film screening in New York University ,” activediaspora, accessed February 3, 2025,