A memorial mass for the Sewol Ferry

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A memorial mass for the Sewol Ferry


2014년 8월 15일 금요일 오후 7시30분 - 성 패트릭 대주교좌 성당
주최: 세월호를 잊지 않는 뉴욕 사람들의 모임.
8.15 The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother Mary
with a Special Intention for the Souls of the Victims
of the Sewol Ferry Tragedy

Petitioned by The People who Lament the Tragedy

On August 15, 2014, Pope Francis will offer the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother Mary with the families of the victims who were not rescued from the sunken Ferry Sewol on April 16, 2014 and console them during his Homily in South Korea.

In response, we will also offer the ‘Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother Mary’ in St. Patrick’s Cathedral of the Archdiocese of New York, for people of all faiths, cultures and beliefs to gather for his special intention of Pope Francis to the victims of the Sewol Ferry Tragedy.

On August 1, 2014, it was the first time since 1785 that the Archdiocese of New York granted a petition from people of different religions to have a memorial together in St. Patrick Cathedral. This support and encouragement is from the deep hearts of leaders of all faiths who want to pray for the families who mourn the mass murder of their 300 teenagers at sea.

We ask that everyone join us to offer their condolences to the victims of the Sewol Ferry Tragedy, including those families of missing persons as well as those suffering from mental trauma associated with this event.

Location: St. Patrick Cathedral of the New York Archdiocese
on 5th Avenue (East 50th + 51st Street)

Time/ date: 7:30PM, Friday, August 15, 2014

For more details for participating & volunteering or reserve your seats,
please contact at 516-506-8034 (한국어), 201-960-3329 (English),
email remember041614@gmail.com, fax 646-810-3084


NY/NJ Sesamo




NY/NJ Sesamo






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NY/NJ Sesamo , “A memorial mass for the Sewol Ferry ,” activediaspora, accessed January 10, 2025, http://gamma.library.temple.edu/activediaspora/items/show/303.