News Clipping Transcriptions

Creel Denies Whitewashing Germans on Cruelties.

Issues Answer to Charges Made by Senator Poindexter.

Washington, Oct. 23 — George Creel, chairman of the committee on public information, today made public a letter he has written to Senator Poindexter, of Washington, denying charges made by the senator in a speech in the senate last Monday that the committee had been making "consistent and continued efforts to create the impression that the Germans have abandoned the practice of cruelty to prisoners and to civilians in occupied territory."

Creel said that only two of the thousands of statements put out by the committee had dealt with subject, one being an authorized denial from General Pershing of an article in a St. Louis newspaper crediting a sergeant of the American expeditionary forces with saying German soldiers fed children poisoned candy and gave them hand grenades to play with.

Referring to Poindexter's charge that the committee had denied that Sergeant A.B. Cole of East Liverpool, O., had been crucified by the Germans. Creel said the committee "merely corrected the impression that Sergeant Cole was a member of the American expeditionary forces, stating explicitly that as the crucifixion took place in July, 1915, it was obviously the case that Sergeant Cole was serving with the Canadians."




Wheat Conservation.¹
The Wheat Supply of the World.
South America reports indicate abnormal shortage.
Russian supply can not be shipped because of long journey and reduced shipping facilities.
United States winter-wheat crop seriously damaged.
Canadian crop dependent upon summer rains.

United States Must Conserve Wheat.
Why?—Our own needs of wheat plus our allies' needs of American wheat are more by many millions of bushes than the supply which will be available.
How?—Whenever there is a scarcity of the usual bread grain in a country, there are various methods of meeting the situation, of which the following are particularly applicable to the United States at the present time:
(a) Increase of flour by raising the milling percentage, the extraction.
(b) Decreasing industrial uses of bread grain or other grains used industrially that can be used in bread making, as in the case of grains used in alcoholic beverages.
(c) Increase of bread flour by admixture of other cereals
(d) Substitution of other cereals for the usual bread.
(e) Increase of flour by dilution with potato.
(f) Substitution of potato.
(g) Substitution of vegetables.
(h) Transfer of feeding grains to food grains.
(i) Substitution of meat and daily products.
(j) Substitution of fats.
Where?—This is a household and commercial problem. Bakers, restaurant keepers, and hotel managers must cooperate with the home if it is to be satisfactorily met.

Eliminating Waste of Bread.
Cooperative action of wholesale bakers in refusing to accept return or stale bread.
Bakers agree to reduce the kinds of bread and rolls put on the market.
More careful service of bread in hotels and restaurants as well as in homes.
Use of all stale bread in preparing food in home, restaurant, and hotels.

¹May be either a talk and one demonstration or two demonstrations.





Don't Drink Ships!
Are you shocked to see the lady drinking ships? You drink ships every time you use sugar unnecessarily, in a beverage.

Seventy-five per cent of the sugar used in this country has to be brought here in ships. Every possible ship is needed for the transportation of troops and supplies to the other side.

Eliminate sugar as a luxury, and you release many ships for war purposes.
Teach your appetite to remember this--





Housewives of U.S. Asked to Save Food.

Two Million Canvassers Seek Signatures to Pledges to Help Win War. President Makes Appeal.
(by Associated Press)

Washington, Oct. 29—Food pledge week got actively under way today with a half million canvassers throughout the country getting pledges from 22,000,000 homes for the observance of the Food Administration's directions and advice in food economy, which President Wilson has endorsed.

With effective enrollment of families to save food throughout the war, the United States will be able to export all the meat, wheat, fats, and sugar its allies in Europe need to enable them to maintain their fighting strength.

Lord Northcliffe, head of the British Mission in the United States, placed the situation before the American people as follows:

"The greatest food experts on both sides of the Atlantic say there is a world shortage of food. The boys who are enduring the hell of the trenches for our sake cannot hold out if badly fed. The situation which we have to face right now, in this food pledge week, is obvious.

"The stay at homes must save, that the soldiers may get their vital needs, or the soldiers must go short so that the stay at homes may fatten. You cannot have it both ways, and must make your choice."

Belgian Minister de Cartier, citing that America for many months has kept Belgium from starvation, said the effort in which every nation Allied against Germany is expending its every ounce of strength will succeed or fail, according to whether the peoples and their armies have the food needed to maintain their strength and their spirit.

"America must supply by far the greatest portion of this food," he said. "It is a grand conception, worthy of the ideals and traditions of the greatest Republic, that this food shall be supplied by the voluntary effort of the individual citizens.

The President, in a statement supporting the food pledge campaign, said last night:
"To provide an adequate supply of food, both for our own soldiers on the other side of the seas and for the civil populations and the armies of the Allies is one of our first and foremost obligations, for if we are to maintain their constancy in this struggle for the independence of all nations we must first maintain their health and strength.

"The solution of our food problems, therefore, is dependent upon the individual service of every man, woman and child in the United States. The great voluntary effort in this direction which ahs been initiated and organized by the Food Administration under my direction offers an opportunity of service in the war which is open to every individual, and by which every individual may serve both his own people and the people of the world.




German Liars Now Devote Themselves to the Shipyards.

Tell All Kinds of Falsehoods to Keep Men from Seeking Work. Sole Hope of the Kaiser. Huns After World Trade After War Would Prevent U.S. Building Ships.

"Twelve men were killed today by the falling of a huge crane in the ______ shipyard."
This lie, started in one of the largest shipyards in the country, spread to every community where men are employed in building ships.

This sort of thing is the last resort of the Hun spy in America. Every other sort of activity either has failed him or is no longer of any interest to his masters in Berlin. It is declared that with the Central Powers crumbling and setting their hopes upon a trickily-devised peace, there is nothing in the military or naval field that is of much use to the Prussia autocrat in these days. But the commercial future of Germany is of more interest to him now than ever. In fact, the one hope of the Kaiser is to appear in the role of Guardian angel to the German Business man.

So the Hun is now concentrating on the work of damaging our shipping program as much as possible. He sees in the steadily growing American merchant marine the greatest menace to German trade dominance after the war. If only he can lure the Allies into a very lax and lenient peace, he will, the day peace is proclaimed, release from his ports the hundreds of merchant ships that have been tied up four years. And there are plenty of cheap goods in Germany ready to be dumped in any market of the world that will take them off his hands.

To Get the World's Trade.

It is therefore, a very real endeavor on the part of German Policy to strike at the American merchant fleet. The Germans believe that Americans think of nothing beyond the capturing of the [article is cut off]




Huns Must Yield Alsace-Lorraine, France Demands.

Only Basis for Negotiation Complete Surrender of Armies and Guarantees. Will Not Take Promises. Ninety-Nine Per Cent of Citizens United for War Until Victory Is Won.
by Lincoln Eyre

Special Cable, Copyright 1918 by "The Philadelphia Press" and the New York World.
Paris, Oct. 14—"The only basis upon which France will negotiate with Germany is upon the complete surrender of her armies and the evacuation of all occupied territory, including Alsace-Lorraine. We take her word for nothing. We demand absolute guarantees for everything. Pending her answer we will fight on to victory."

Franklin Bouillon, head of the Parliamentary Commission on Foreign Affairs of the Chamber of Deputies, one of the most prominent political leaders, thus summarized the united public opinion of France today, regarding the German peace overtures in an exclusive interview given to "The Press."

M. Bouillon, who reflects the views of the highest Government officials, declared that 99 per cent of the French people are united in demanding complete surrender as the only terms for the proposed armistice.

The other one per cent, consisting of a few cringing pacifists, is not to be considered.

Have Faith in Wilson.

The French people and their Government have complete faith in what Wilson will do and heartily approve of his answer to Germany," he said. "The German reply is insincere and does not represent the German people. After winning the war we shall not be cheated out of a just peace by the trickery of Ger-
[article is cut off at this point]





French Baron Aiding Loan Unmasked As Son Of German Held By U.S.

Spectacular Career as Boy Scout Salesman for Fourth Liberty Bonds Ends With Lad's Departure From City.

The Baron de Buderus von Carihausen, alias Herman Buderus, after a spectacular career as a Boy Scout salesman for the fourth Liberty Loan and for war-savings stamps, has left Philadelphia. His departure was speeded by Boy Scout officials, who said yesterday they believed the Baron to be an imposter.

Instead of having a murdered French father, the Baron has a live German as his parent. To add to the perplexities of the situation the father is now interned in an American camp as a dangerous enemy alien.

Instead of suffering all sorts of hardships at the hands of the Germans, the Baron has had nothing more interesting in his career than a discharge from a Newark shipyard because Department of Justice agents unmasked him as a German.

These were the points revealed yesterday by Boy Scout officials in charge of the fourth Liberty Loan here. George I. Bodine, who heads the Boy Scouts committee; Dr. Charles D. HArt, head of the Boy Scouts in the city, and John Getz, Jr. Scout executive, confessed they had been fooled by the young man. They said the Baron had come
to them with credentials from the New York Liberty Loan committee and the War Savings committee of Philadelphia.

The young man was energetic, and he had imagination. The story he told was that he was a baron from Alsace-Lorraine, the Germans had killed his father and the Germans had tortured the lad, cutting his arm muscles so that he would be unfit for military service. All he wanted was a chance to sell bonds, and otherwise prove himself a good American.
Every one believed his story. The Liberty Loan publicity committee saw to it generous mention of the boy was made in the newspapers.

But a week ago the baron was told to go. Mr. Bodine became suspicious, he said, and wrote to New York officials of the Boy Scouts. James E. West, head of the Boy Scouts in America, replied that the baron was not a Boy Scout, that he had been discharged from the shipyard and that his father had been interned.

The boy had paid his own expenses, and no fault was found with him except that he was not what he represented himself to be, Mr. Bodine said.

Denial was made at the War Savings committee headquarters that any one there had sponsored the youth. The boy gave his age as seventeen, but officials believe he is older.

Text with article photo:

The Baron de Buderus von Carlhausen AKA Herman Buderus, with the "The Hun - his Mark" Poster.




Can It Be Said of You?

Rightfully exempt from being thrown into the caldron of battle, you have fought relentlessly at home against the Prussian plotters, irrevocably convicted before the world.

You have kept the faith our valiant boys imposed on you. You have made the supreme sacrifice to revenge the Hun for his wanton disregard of humanity, especially his merciless treatment of helpless women and children.

You have contributed your utmost to keep the boche from our sacred shores and eternally silence him in his ambition for world domination.

If this day is your last to serve mankind, can it be said of you?—"Well Done!" You have done your full share to vindicate and perpetuate American ideals; you have loaned to your last dollar that Freedom and Justice may prevail.

Packard Motor Car Company of Philadelphia