Pvt. Treptow's Pledge
"Shot down by a spray of bullets just as he reached his platoon commander with a message, Private Martin A. Treptow of Company M left behind him another message that was as effective against the enemy as a score of machine guns. In a little blood-stained book found in his breast pocket, he had painstakingly copied:
'America shall win the war.
Therefore I will work,
I will save,
I will sacrifice,
I will endure,
I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost,
As if the whole issue of the struggle
Depended on me alone.'"
Therefore I will work,
I will save,
I will sacrifice,
I will endure,
I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost,
As if the whole issue of the struggle
Depended on me alone.'"
- John H. Taber, The Story of the 168th Infantry
Sorting out New Jersey's National Army men according to height at Camp Dix, Wrightstown, NJ in the fall of 1917.
The War of the Nations Portfolio (New York: The New York Times Co., 1919), 304.